
Cosmetic Surgery Treatments for Love Handles

The people of Philadelphia, PA can count on the board-certified surgeons of Jefferson Plastic Surgery. We offer the latest plastic surgery and cosmetic skin care treatments designed to tighten, tone, firm, enhance, and rejuvenate. Our goal is not just to make you look great, but to help you feel great about the way you look.

Many patients come to us wanting to know how to get rid of their love handles. They’ve tried diets, crunches, cardio, and they still can’t get rid of that unwanted flab. This is a common problem area in men and women. If diet and exercise aren’t getting the job done, Dr. Steven E. Copit, Dr. Patrick J. Greaney, Jr., and Dr. Matthew P. Jenkins can help.

What Are Love Handles?

Love handles are the bits of excess fat that accumulate at the sides of the waist. They hang off the edges of pants and skirts, and they bulge out if you’re wearing a tight shirt or top, creating an unappealing bump along your sides. You may have also heard of love handles referred to as muffin tops.

Why Are Love Handles So Hard to Lose?

Love handles are hard to lose simply given the way fat is distributed throughout the body. In men and women, the fat tends to build up around the abdomen first, and it can take a long time to lose that last bit of unwanted belly fat. Cardio, healthy eating, and abdominal exercises may strengthen your core, but they won’t necessarily melt that fat away.

Spot reduction is a myth, which means that targeting exercises to address the love handles will have limited benefits for overall fat removal.

Liposuction as a Love Handle Solution

Only a plastic surgeon can achieve spot reduction, and they do it by performing liposuction. The procedure sucks out unwanted body fat from a problem area such as the love handles, lower abdomen, hips, and buttocks. By carefully extracting fat, plastic surgeons can help you slim down.

Good Candidates for Liposuction

Good candidates for liposuction are people who have tried dieting, exercise, and lead healthy lifestyles but have been unable to lose the last bit of unwanted body fat. They should be in good overall health and not suffer from conditions that would make a body conturing procedure risky.

During the consultation process, we can talk about your goals, your struggles, and whether or not liposuction is the right option for you.

The Results of Liposuction for Love Handles

Liposuction will remove your love handles and give you that taut, toned, athletic appearance you’ve always wanted. Patients are often pleased with the final outcomes of liposuction, and experience lasting fat removal benefits for years.

How to Maintain the Positive Results

In order to ensure your liposuction results last, it’s important to continue eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and living healthy. For most patients, this commitment to healthy living will be easy since they’ve been living healthy for a while in a quest to rid themselves of their belly fat.

Learn More About Targeted Fat Removal

To learn more about liposuction and why it may be the treatment you’ve been waiting for, be sure to contact our board-certified plastic surgeons. We look forward to discussing liposuction and other body contouring procedures with you.

Questions? Email us today.

To make or reschedule an appointment please complete the form below or call:  (215) 625-6630.

CALL US TODAY: (215)625-6630


Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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Online Consultation

Out of town patients can take our simple 4 step online consultation. To make or reschedule an appointment please call:  (215) 625-6630.

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