
A Recovery Timeline for KYBELLA® Treatment

Excess fat can be stubborn. Even if you eat healthy and exercise regularly, there's no guarantee that pockets of fat will go away. For instance, it can be difficult to get rid of a double chin or fat around the lower portion of the face. Our Philadelphia, PA cosmetic surgery center offers KYBELLA®, a non-surgical fat reduction treatment

KYBELLA® has a number of advantages over liposuction, which includes a quick treatment and recovery time. Let's cover the basics of KYBELLA® and discuss what patients can expect during the healing process.


KYBELLA® is a revolutionary cosmetic injectable that is used to eliminate unwanted fat from different parts of the face. This deoxycholic acid-based solution destroys fat cells in the injection site. Thanks to KYBELLA®, patients can gradually eliminate double chins and unwanted fat along the jaw line and lower face.

What to Expect During KYBELLA® Treatment

KYBELLA® injection treatment only takes 20 minutes per session. The cosmetic surgeon will administer KYBELLA® to select portions of the face to promote the reduction of fat in that area. No anesthetic is necessary, and patients are able to return home after their injection treat is completed. 

Keep in mind that KYBELLA® treatment will require multiple injection sessions for optimal results to be achieved.

How Many KYBELLA® Treatments Will I Need?

Typically, a patient will need around six KYBELLA® injections in order to eliminate unwanted facial fat. The exact amount of injections for you can be determined during the consultation process.

Will I Need to Take Time Off from Work?

No. Unlike liposuction, KYBELLA® injections require no time off from work and no downtime to recuperate. Patients are able to resume their lives with minimal interruptions, if any.

That said, patients should avoid direct sun exposure, strenuous physical activity, and consumption of alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours after their KYBELLA® injection.

Common Side Effects After KYBELLA® Treatment

Following KYBELLA® treatment, patients may experience a little bruising, swelling, soreness, and redness around the neckline and chin area. Some firmness around the neck and chin may occur as well. These side effects will resolve on their own over the course of the next day or so.

When Will I See Results from KYBELLA® Treatment?

It can take a few weeks before patients notice a reduction in facial fat. This is because of swelling after a KYBELLA® injection has been administered. Once the swelling goes down, patients will notice a change in the size of the chin. 

Typically, patients should start to see KYBELLA® results in about four to six weeks. Essentially, the results will be apparent by the second KYBELLA® session, with additional improvements from there on.

How Long Will a Full KYBELLA® Treatment Take?

Since six KYBELLA® treatments is standard for most patients, it will take about six to seven months to complete a full KYBELLA® treatment. Following each session, patients can expect the same minor and temporary side effects.

Learn More about KYBELLA®

For more information about KYBELLA® and how it can benefit you, be sure to contact Jefferson Plastic Surgery today. The team at our practice will answer your question and address your concerns about your treatment options.

Questions? Email us today.

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Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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