
Liposuction Myths

You’ve worked hard to get into better shape by following a regular exercise routine and sticking to a balanced, low-fat diet. For the most part, you are quite happy with the result. However, there are a few stubborn pockets of excess fat that don’t seem to have budged, despite all of your efforts. This is obviously frustrating, as you are eager to show off the results of your hard work to your friends and family.

You may have heard of liposuction as a means to remove that excess fat, but how much of what you know is fact versus fiction? Here are some of the more common myths that our staff at Jefferson Plastic Surgery hears from our patients and the truth about this popular cosmetic surgery.

Liposuction Is Only for Weight Loss

Perhaps the most common myth our staff hears is that liposuction is designed to help you lose weight. In fact, liposuction is really a finishing touch to help you get rid of small areas of excess fat that you haven’t gotten rid of with a combination of regular exercise and balanced diet. Liposuction only removes superficial fat, which is just below the surface of the skin. It does not address deep fat, which surrounds various organs and can be the cause of health problems, as well as being linked to obesity. The best way to lose weight should be a combination of at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise five times a week and a balanced, low-fat diet.

Liposuction Is Only for the Abdominal Region

Although the abdomen is, by far, the most popular area for liposuction, it is certainly not the only area of the body where this procedure can be performed. In fact, liposuction can be performed on almost any part of the body where excess fat can gather. Such areas include the inner or outer thighs, back, hips, upper or lower arms, knees, calves, hands, neck, or chin. In some cases, depending upon how much overall fat you wish removed, your surgeon may be able to address more than one area at once, such as the neck and chin.

Liposuction Is Only for Women

While it is true that the majority of liposuction procedures are performed on women, the procedure is also popular with men. According to the American Society for Plastic Surgeons, the leading professional organization for plastic surgeons, its members performed more than 25,500 liposuctions on men in 2015, which was 12 percent of the 222,000 liposuctions performed that year. This made it the fourth most popular cosmetic surgical procedure for men in 2015.

Liposuction Removes Excess Loose Skin

If you have lost a dramatic amount of weight, you may notice that you have excess, flabby skin in certain areas of your body. While you may think that liposuction can help you with improving your body contour following this weight loss, the procedure is not designed to do that. Instead, a body lift, or body contouring procedure is the best way to remove excess skin and underlying tissue. This procedure can be done in many of the same areas as a liposuction procedure and can also be done in conjunction with liposuction.

Liposuction can be an excellent finishing touch to an overall wellness plan geared toward getting in shape. However, our surgeons do not recommend it as a primary weight-loss strategy.

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Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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