
Arm Liposuction: The Procedure and Its Benefits

When people think about cosmetic fat removal options, they tend to think about procedures that target the love handles and the stomach. That’s to be expected since fat tends to accumulate in those areas. Yet our Philadelphia, PA cosmetic surgery and skin care center can help trim and tighten all parts of your body, including the neckline, the jawline, and the extremities.

With this is mind, the team at Jefferson Plastic Surgery would like to consider some ways of sculpting and shaping the shoulders and triceps. This can help you look much more toned and trim.

Unwanted Flab on the Arms

Even if you eat healthy and have a good strength training and cardio routine, you may have unwanted flab on your arms. This tends to accumulate around the shoulder, tricep, and armpit area. It may make you feel self-conscious about wearing short sleeves or going sleeveless. Unfortunately, this unwanted fat of the arms may feel impossible to get rid of. That is where a plastic surgeon comes into play.

How Liposuction Can Help

By performing liposuction on the upper arm area, a plastic surgeon can get rid of unwanted body fat around the shoulder and tricep area. This leaves the arms looking trim and toned, making the underlying muscles more prominent and helping you appear far more sculpted and in shape.

The Benefits of Arm Liposuction

The benefits of arm liposuction include:

  • Gets rid of unwanted body fat that won’t respond to diet and exercise
  • Small incisions mean barely noticeable post-surgical scarring
  • The results look natural

Ideal Candidates for Arm Liposuction

The best candidates for arm liposuction are people who have flabby shoulders and triceps. They should be in good overall health and otherwise in good shape. It’s important that patients have realistic expectations about the nature of surgery and what it can achieve, including a full understanding of the risks and benefits.

The Results of Arm Liposuction

After undergoing arm liposuction, many patients report great outcomes. They feel more confident about wearing short sleeves and going sleeveless. Since the scars are small and well hidden, they are difficult to notice even when people are up close. By continuing to eat healthy and exercise regularly, patients can maintain the results of their arm liposuction for years and years to come.

What About Arm Lift Surgery (Brachioplasty)?

Arm liposuction isn’t the best option for all arm flab issues. After losing a lot of weight, it’s not uncommon for people to have a lot of loose skin along the underside of the arm area. In such instances, arm liposuction is not enough to tighten the contour and shape of the upper arms.

For these patients, arm lift (brachioplasty) is a better option. This surgery involves the removal of loose skin along the underside of the arm. This helps redrape the remaining skin, making the shoulder and tricep area appear slimmer and better contoured to your frame.

Learn More About Arm Liposuction

For more information about arm liposuction and how it can benefit you, be sure to contact Jefferson Plastic Surgery. Dr. Steven E. Copit, Dr. Patrick J. Greaney, Jr., and Dr. Matthew P. Jenkins look forward to your visit and discussing these matters with you in much greater detail.

Questions? Email us today.

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Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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