
What Causes Sagging Breasts?

It is a sad fact that as we get older, certain parts of our bodies begin to show their age. Our hair gets gray, we may develop excess weight around the hips or abdomen, and our joints may become more stiff and sore due to arthritis. Women may also be distressed as their breasts begin to sag and droop, due to the combination of aging and one or more pregnancies and subsequent breastfeeding of children. The team at Jefferson Plastic Surgery sees many women who wish to consult our surgeons regarding options to rejuvenate breasts that have become saggy or droopy.

What Causes Breasts to Sag or Droop?

The breasts are constructed entirely of the mammary glands and ducts or fatty tissue. This means that the breasts can change shape and size as women become pregnant, breastfeed, or simply grow older. As just one example of this, many women find that the breasts are the first place that they notice any dramatic change in response to either gaining or losing weight.

Furthermore, the breast skin is very delicate. As the breasts change in size, the skin may end up dramatically stretching or contracting. Over time, the skin loses its elasticity, or ability to return to its original shape and size after being stretched. This will lead to stretch marks on the breasts. If you factor in multiple pregnancies and breastfeeding, it should not come as any surprise that the breasts will eventually sag and droop.

Preventing Sagging Breasts

There are some non-surgical methods that may temporarily reduce the appearance of sagging breasts.

Properly fitted bras: A poorly fitting bra will not provide the breasts with the support they need to prevent sagging or drooping. It is important to get properly fitted for a bra. Women who are serious athletic participants will also need to consider well-fitted sports bras that minimize bounce during exercise.

Keeping bras in good shape: Bras that are too small or have worn out elastic should be discarded in favor of newer ones with better support. Hand-wash all bras and hang them up to dry, rather than placing them in the washer and dryer with the rest of your laundry. Regularly worn bras that are properly cared for should last about a year.

Exercises: Although the breasts themselves do not have any muscle structure, firming up the pectoral muscles behind the breasts may help provide a better anchor for the breasts. Exercises such as push-ups, chest presses, or chest flies (either with a weight machine or on your back with a set of dumbbells) will tighten up the pectoral muscles.

While these methods are effective short-term solutions, the only long-term solution is to undergo a surgical breast lift procedure to restore the breasts to a more youthful appearance. Depending upon the amount of work to be done, our surgeons have a variety of options to accomplish this, ranging from simply placing the nipple and areola (the area of darkened skin around the nipple) higher on the chest all the way to repositioning the entire breast at a higher position.

It is certainly true that the cumulative effect of aging, pregnancy, and breastfeeding can take their toll on the shape and size of women’s breasts. However, there’s no reason to simply accept that fact. A breast lift procedure may help women regain confidence in the appearance of their breasts. 

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840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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