
Upper Eyelid Surgery for Obscured Vision

Good vision makes it much easier for people to attend to daily functions such as reading, driving, and working. Unfortunately, as patients age, a number of vision problems can occur. Cataracts, glaucoma, and presbyopia are all vision conditions that commonly affect older adults and seniors. Once problem that many people don’t expect is obscured vision as a result of overhanging upper eyelids.

When the upper eyelid skin sags down and hinders vision, patients are unable to see clearly. Upper eyelid surgery is the key to freedom for those who suffer from blocked vision due to hooding of the upper eyelid. The surgery is a type of cosmetic surgery procedure that improves the appearance of the lids and rejuvenates the eye area.

Upper Eyelid Surgery Uses

Upper eyelid surgery can treat the following conditions:

  • Extra skin hanging from the upper eyelids
  • Obscured vision
  • Puffiness around upper eyelid


The eyelid surgery procedure involves the following steps:

  • The surgeon marks the position where excess skin and fat pads need to be removed.
  • Local or general anesthesia is administered for patient comfort.
  • Incisions are made in the natural fold lines of eyelids, allowing the surgeon to remove fat deposits and tighten the skin and muscles.
  • The incision is closed with dissolving sutures.

The surgery lasts for around 1.5 to 2.5 hours. It is generally performed on people over the age of 35. It can also be performed on younger patients who have overhanging upper eyelid due to genetic reasons.


The patient is given recovery information before surgery. Surgeons generally recommend the following in order to recover more quickly from the surgery:

  • During the first day of recovery, cold packs should be applied on eye for 10 to 15 minutes at a time. This helps reducing swelling.
  • Patients should rest with the head in an elevated position.

Bruised and red swollen eyes often follow the surgery of the upper eyelid. Additionally, the patient usually suffers numbness accompanied with tight stretchy feelings around eye area. Patients should remain aware that this is all part of the recovery process and will soon pass.

Keep in mind that people with high blood pressure, glaucoma, diabetes, and/or a hyperactive thyroid are strictly suggested to consult a specialist prior to undergoing upper eyelid surgery.

Cost of the Surgery

The price of the surgery varies from practitioner to practitioner and can also vary depending on the type of anesthesia that is used. Isolated upper eyelid surgery generally costs anywhere from $2,000 to $5,000. Again, this is a general quote, and can vary from plastic surgeon to plastic surgeon.


Most insurance plans exclude coverage for cosmetic eyelid surgery. However, if the surgery is performed due to excess, overhanging eyelid skin that obscures vision, insurance may cover all or a part of the cost of the procedure. The patient should send the following documentation to the insurer:

  • Documented photo of eyelid droop.
  • A letter from the plastic surgery detailing the problem and treatment recommendation.
  • A letter from an eye doctor that details how the vision is obscured.

For more information about upper eyelid surgery, contact Jefferson Plastic Surgery.

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Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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