
Treatment Options for Drooping Brows

Drooping brows can cause a person to look tired or angry, even when they are feeling alert and content. If you are unhappy with brows that rest too low on your face, you can undergo a brow lift or BOTOX® treatment to raise the brows into a more youthful position. To learn more about your treatment options for drooping brows, contact Jefferson Plastic Surgery in Philadelphia to schedule a consultation with one of our surgeons.

Causes of Drooping Brows

Drooping brows have several causes, including: 

  • The aging process. As we age, the brows may droop due to the effects of gravity, collagen loss, and fat loss.
  • Genetics. Some patients are more likely to develop drooping brows due to genetics, or they may naturally have brows that rest low on the face.
  • Lifestyle choices: Lifestyle choices such as the use of tobacco products, regular consumption of alcohol, poor diet, and lack of exercise can contribute to an aging appearance and drooping eyebrows.

BOTOX® Cosmetic for Drooping Brows

BOTOX® injections can be administered to raise drooping brows. The product can be injected into the muscles that depress the brow, lifting it into a more youthful position. BOTOX® injections can also be used to shape the brow. For example, we can create a more arched brow, or raise the end of the brow. These advanced techniques should be performed by skilled doctors, such as those at Jefferson Plastic Surgery. During your consultation, we will discuss your aesthetic brow goals and how possible treatment techniques can lift your drooping brows.

 The effects of BOTOX® injections appear two to three days after treatment, and last for three to four months. Treatment can be repeated as necessary to maintain your improved appearance.

Brow Lift for Drooping Brows

Brow lift surgery can be performed as a longer lasting solution for drooping brows. During this procedure, an incision is made along the hairline. Depending on your needs, we may create one long incision, or a series of smaller incisions. Through these incisions, we can manipulate your forehead muscles to lift the brows and smooth forehead wrinkles and frown lines. We will then re-drape the skin across the forehead to provide further lift and minimize the appearance of lines. Finally, we will excise any excess skin and close the incisions.

Brow lift surgery offers more dramatic results than BOTOX® Cosmetic, and the results can last for 10 years if the patient maintains a healthy lifestyle. The downside of brow lift surgery is it does require a recovery period. Patients will experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising for a week or two after surgery. They will need to take about a week off of work, and avoid strenuous activity or exercise for six weeks. The results of the procedure are noticeable about six weeks after brow lift surgery. 

To find out if BOTOX® Cosmetic or brow lift surgery is the best treatment option for your drooping brows, contact Jefferson Plastic Surgery today. One of our plastic surgeons will examine your forehead and skin quality, and discuss your goals and medical history with you to determine if you are a good candidate for treatment.

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Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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