
Thigh Lift Surgery Techniques

Pregnancy, childbirth, weight loss, and the natural aging process can have a major impact on the way you look. If the sagging and drooping of your thighs leaves you feeling self-conscious, you may want to consider thigh lift surgery (thighplasty). We’ve achieved some remarkable thigh lift results at our Philadelphia, PA practice.

There are many ways a thigh lift can be performed. The team at Jefferson Plastic Surgery considers the most common approaches to enhancing the appearance of the thighs.

The Inner Thigh Lift

The inner thigh lift is an ideal surgery for aesthetic issues with the inner thighs. During the inner thigh lift, the surgeon makes an incision along the juncture where the thigh meets a patient’s groin. Through this incision, excess fat can be removed and the underlying structures adjusted. The remaining skin is then pulled tighter to help reduce sagging or drooping.

The incisions of the inner thigh lift can be easily concealed by most pants, shorts, undergarments, and bathing suits. The scarring will fade with time as well, and become less visible from year to year with proper healing.

The Medial Thigh Lift

The medial thigh lift is meant to address major problems situated around the upper portion of the inner thigh. The incisions made during the medial thigh lift start in the groin area but then extend back toward the natural crease created by the underside of the buttocks.

As with the inner thigh lift, the plastic surgeon makes all necessary adjustments to the thigh’s underlying structures through these incisions. Many pants, shorts, undergarments, and bathing suits will similarly conceal the scars of a medial thigh lift from view.

The Mini Thigh Lift

The mini thigh lift is a modified version of the inner thigh lift and medial thigh lift. This surgical technique is ideal for patients who suffer from minor sagging or drooping of the upper third of their inner thigh.

During a mini thigh lift, a small incision is made along the groin area. It is through this small incision that the plastic surgeon can make all necessary adjustments to the shape and contour of the thigh.

The Bilateral Thigh Lift

Sometimes known as the outer thigh lift, a bilateral thigh lift targets cosmetic problems with the front and outside portions of a person’s leg as well as the inner thigh area. Following extreme weight loss, the bilateral thigh lift can help improve the overall appearance of the upper legs.

The incision for a bilateral thigh lift will start at the top of the leg, usually where the edge of a person’s bikini line is located. The incision then extends down to the pubic area, and perhaps even to the buttocks as needed. Through this extensive incision, a great deal of revision to the thigh can be accomplished.

Tailoring the Surgery to Your Needs

Each patient is different, which is why we take time to tailor every surgical procedure specifically to the needs of the patient. During the consultation process, we will discuss how your thigh lift will address your aesthetic concerns. Additional body sculpting surgeries may be discussed should they complement the thigh lift and your cosmetic goals.

Learn More about Thigh Lift Surgery

To learn more about thigh lift surgery and how it can help you achieve your cosmetic goals, be sure to contact our team of cosmetic plastic surgeons. We at Jefferson Plastic Surgery look forward to your visit and discussing these matters in greater detail.

Questions? Email us today.

To make or reschedule an appointment please complete the form below or call:  (215) 625-6630.

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Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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