
Reduce Bruising after Plastic Surgery

Bruising is a common side effect of any surgery, including plastic surgery. The manipulation and trauma to the skin and underlying tissues causes bruising. In this post, we review the typically bruising timeline, and the ways in which bruising can be reduced.

Bruising Timeline

Most bruising will resolve itself within one to two weeks. During that time, patients should be resting; vigorous activity right after cosmetic surgery is not recommended for a variety of reasons. The bruises will start out red or purple and then turn brown or green as they fade away completely and the blood vessels heal.

Tips to Minimize Bruising

In the first 48 hours, there are things patients can do to reduce the amount of bruising and swelling; after that it is just a matter of time. 

  • Icing the area: Patients should ice the treatment area as frequently and for as long as they can comfortably stand. For most people, this equates to about 15 minutes out of every waking hour. They should not ice so much that they feel numbness or pain. An ice pack wrapped in a cloth or a cold compress will work fine. This is particularly effective in the first 48 hours when the blood vessels are still broken and inflamed. Icing the area will also work to reduce pain and swelling associated with surgery.
  • Compression: If there is a lot of swelling accompanying the bruise, pressure may need to be applied through the use of bandages or compression garments. Pressure should be gentle, too much can worsen both the bruises and the swelling. Patients may gently massage the periphery of the bruise to stimulate drainage.
  • Pain medications: You may be prescribed a narcotic painkiller like vicodin or percocet. These may be alternated with Tylenol or the generic acetaminophen. Do not take aspirin; NSAIDs like, Advil, Aleve, or generic ibuprofen; or anything that will thin the blood like coumadin or vitamin E. It will worsen the bruises. Even some herbal supplements like St. John’s Wort can have this effect.
  • Elevation: If the patient can manage it, the bruised area should be elevated so it can drain more effectively. This is especially important if you had surgery on your face; you should sit up or keep your head propped up with a pillow.  Try not to lie on the bruised area while sleeping, if it can be helped.
  • Arnica Montana: Arnica Montana can be applied in the form of a topical gel. It should not be applied directly to broken skin. Arnica Montana has been shown to reduce bruising and swelling after surgical procedures. 
  • Bathing: Patients should not bathe for the first 24 hours after surgery lest they risk infecting the incisions. After 24 hours, they should shower in tepid water with mild soap. Bathing in hot water can irritate the skin and induce further swelling and bruising. Avoid body washes and lotions that are scented, while they will not cause bruising, they can lead to further skin irritation.
  • Drink plenty of water: Water will remove toxins and speed the healing process.

For more recovery tips, contact Jefferson Plastic Surgery.

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Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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