
Open Your Eyes to Cosmetic Treatment Options

There’s no question that the eyes are the most expressive feature on the face. Because of this, it should come as no surprise that many people are aware of how their eyes appear, as they can affect the impression of the overall face. If your eyes appear tired or sad, it can make the whole face look worn or aged, even if that is not an accurate reflection of your personality. As a result, you may be considering what you can do to refresh the appearance of your eyes to make them look more alert and youthful.

At Jefferson Plastic Surgery, we have seen a number of patients come in for an initial consultation and are looking at various options to improve the appearance of their eyes. There are several procedures that can be performed, all of which depend upon how much cosmetic work you wish to have done and what your goals from the procedure might be.

Cosmetic Surgical Options

Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty): This procedure was the third most popular cosmetic surgical procedure in 2015, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, with more than 200,000 procedures being performed by its member surgeons. This procedure is designed to remove excess bags and fat around the eyes and can be performed on either the upper or lower eyelids. The effect is that the eyes look wider and more alert, giving the face a more rejuvenated appearance.

Brow lift: A brow lift procedure will move your brows to a higher position on your forehead, giving your eyes the appearance of being wider and removing any brow furrows. For this procedure, your surgeon will make an incision just above the brows, lift up the skin and underlying tissue, gently tighten up loose skin, and suture everything back into place. This can be done alone or in conjunction with eyelid surgery.

Non-surgical Procedures

BOTOX® Cosmetic: BOTOX® Cosmetic was the overall most popular cosmetic procedure (surgical or non-surgical) requested during 2015, with almost 7 million procedures performed by ASPS member surgeons. BOTOX® Cosmetic relaxes the major muscle groups around the face, which reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles around the face. It is most useful around the eyes when it is injected between the brows in order to reduce the appearance of furrows.

Dermal fillers: Dermal filler injections work similarly to BOTOX® Cosmetic in that they smooth out lines and wrinkles on the face. However, rather than working by loosening the muscles, dermal fillers fill in areas of lines and wrinkles in order to even out the facial appearance. Dermal fillers are best suited for fine lines, such as crow’s feet around the outer corners of the eyes. This can offset the appearance of squinting or narrowing of the eyes, which may make you look as though you are angry or unhappy, when that may not be the case.

Your eyes say so much about you. Why not improve their appearance so that they give an even better impression of who you really are? A cosmetic procedure to improve the appearance of your eyes might be just what you need to freshen up your appearance.

Questions? Email us today.

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Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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