
Five Body-boosting Cosmetic Procedures for Summer

The days are getting longer, and the weather is beginning to warm up. The new bathing suits of the season are starting to appear in clothing stores. This can only mean one thing - summer is just around the corner. Before you know it, it will be time to hit the beach or barbeque in the backyard. Of course, this may also mean that you want to improve your appearance in one of those new bathing suits.

However, despite all your efforts at sticking to a sensible low-fat diet and a regular exercise schedule, you may not yet feel swimsuit ready. Before you give up entirely on your body improvement goals, you may want to consider a cosmetic procedure to put the finishing touches on all of your hard work. Our staff at Jefferson Plastic Surgery understands how important it is for you to feel confident enough to show your body for summer. In light of that, here are five of the most popular cosmetic procedures to get you set for those soaring temperatures.


Liposuction will help remove stubborn pockets of fat that have not appropriately responded to a combination of regular exercise and a low-fat diet. The procedure can be performed on various areas of the body, including the buttocks, thighs, back, and arms. However, abdominal liposuction is by far the most popular.

The surgeon will make a series of small incisions into the areas targeted for fat removal. A thin, hollow metal tube is then inserted through these incisions, and the fat is gently vacuumed out of the body. This can be done in conjunction with use of lasers to melt the fat, making it easier to remove.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck procedure is specifically designed to tighten up loose skin, tissue, and underlying abdominal muscle following dramatic weight loss. In this case, the surgeon will make incisions into the lower abdominal region, lift up the skin and tissue, tighten up the abdominal muscles, re-drape the skin and tissue over the new shape of the abdomen, remove the excess skin, and suture everything back into place. This can be done alone or in conjunction with an abdominal liposuction procedure.

Body Lift

Body lift procedures follow the same basic steps as a tummy tuck, but can be performed on other parts of the body. Such areas can include the inner or outer thighs, buttocks, upper arms, or the breasts. Each of these procedures can also be done alone or in conjunction with a liposuction procedure.

Breast Augmentation

Some patients may be less concerned about the shape of their lower body, but may instead feel dissatisfied with their upper body. Breast augmentation may help boost confidence and create a more proportional figure. Patients can choose from a variety of implant materials, sizes, profiles (the ratio of the implant height to width), or placement locations (behind the mammary glands or behind the pectoral muscles). In some cases, this is done in conjunction with a breast lift to restore sagging breasts to a more youthful appearance.

Breast Reduction

In comparison, other women may feel self-conscious about baring skin if their breasts are overly large. These women may attract unwanted attention and experience back and shoulder pain due to the weight of their breasts. This procedure can also be combined with a breast lift procedure.

Let our staff help you determine if a cosmetic procedure is the right option for you in order to get ready for hotter months ahead.

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Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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