
Can Liposuction Treat Cellulite?

Patients that are interested in undergoing liposuction surgery may be wondering if the procedure can treat cellulite. Cellulite can occur on any area of skin, but is most common on the thighs, buttocks, and stomach. Layers of fat underneath the skin can contribute to a dimpled appearance. Cellulite is more common in older patients, but many young women and men may have it. It is more common in women, due to estrogen production, the increased prevalence of fat, and the anatomy of fat and bands of skin and tissue in females. In this blog post, we will cover some of the common questions about cellulite including what causes cellulite, how cellulite is treated, and whether or not liposuction is a good treatment for cellulite. To learn more or find out if you are a good candidate for liposuction, contact Jefferson Plastic Surgery in Philadelphia.

What Causes Cellulite?

Many patients are interested in understanding the causes of cellulite before they seek treatment for the problem. Cellulite is caused by a range of factors. These factors include hormones, genetics, a person’s diet or lifestyle, and even the clothing they wear. In general, it occurs because the fat cells underneath the skin are enlarged, and the pockets of fat between connective tissue push against the skin, creating the hills and valleys that are indicative of cellulite. While losing weight and reducing the fat layer on the skin can help, cellulite may occur even when a patient is at or below their ideal weight. In the simplest terms, all people have a layer of fat under their skin, and are therefore susceptible to cellulite. Whether or not an individual actually gets cellulite will depend on the factors listed above.

How Is Cellulite Treated?

The most common treatments for cellulite are weight loss and massage. While none of these treatments have been scientifically proven to get rid of cellulite altogether, there is some anecdotal evidence to support the claims that losing weight, toning muscle, and pneumatic massages can help to reduce cellulite and smooth the skin. However, no matter how much weight a patient loses or how toned his or her muscles are, it is unlikely that any of these treatments will be completely effective.

Does Liposuction Treat Cellulite?

Liposuction can reduce the layer of fat underneath the skin, which can help to lessen the effects of cellulite. Liposuction removes fat cells from the body, and can remove fat cells from the areas where a patient might be struggling with cellulite. With fewer fat cells, there may be less dimpling and puckering in the skin. It may not always remove all cellulite, but may reduce its appearance. 

However, if a patient has loose skin that contributes to the appearance of cellulite, he or she may need to undergo a skin lifting or tucking procedure to remove excess skin and smooth the remaining skin. 

For more information about liposuction and cellulite, please contact Jefferson Plastic Surgery. Any of our staff members would be happy to help answer questions, or set up an appointment for a consultation as needed.

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