
The Pros and Cons of Small Breast Implants

When it comes to choosing the size of breast implants that are used during breast augmentation surgery, patients should weigh all of the advantages and disadvantages of small vs. large implants. Each woman is different and each body is different, and choosing implant size is a reflection of the individual patient’s personal needs and desires. While most people assume that women who have a breast augmentation will choose large implants, there are many different reasons why a woman might choose smaller, more natural-looking implants. The ideal size for each woman is one that complements her frame and makes her feel confident.

Advantages of Small Breast Implants

For some women, a smaller implant can be just as effective as a larger implant. These patients do not necessarily want dramatically large breasts, they simply want an appearance that is a little bit fuller and shapelier. Small breast implants can improve proportion in smaller women, and those who already have a good amount of breast tissue.

Small breast implants are also less likely to draw unwanted attention from strangers or even from family members. When a woman gets large implants, they are more noticeable. Smaller implants that improve the silhouette but do not stand out can be preferable for some women.

There is also less stress and strain on the body with smaller implants. Not only are they lighter, they are also easier to care for and are less susceptible to the complications associated with large implants. Larger implants can increase the risk of capsular contracture, bottoming out, and displacement.

When some women get large implants, they are not prepared for the adjustments they will have to make in regards to their lifestyle and clothing choices. It may be more difficult to engage in athletic activities, or find clothing and undergarments that fit properly. 

In addition, patients who opt for smaller rather than larger implants experience a shorter recovery period, with less pain, bruising, and swelling.

Perhaps the greatest advantage of small breast implants is that they look more natural. While large implants may produce the dramatic change that some women desire, others may feel that they appear disproportionate and unnatural. This is rarely a problem with smaller, more conservative implants.

Disadvantages of Small Breast Implants

When it comes to small implants, the only real drawback is that some women, after seeing the final result, wish they had chosen larger implants. While the breasts may look fuller and the body more proportional, the breasts may not be large enough, and while it is possible to have a second surgery for larger implants, it is always preferable to get the right size on the first try. To avoid this disadvantage, women should discuss their desired final appearance with the plastic surgeon well before the surgery date. 

For more information about breast augmentation surgery, or any other type of plastic surgery, contact Jefferson Plastic Surgery today. The surgeons at our practice can examine your figure and determine if you are a good candidate for breast augmentation surgery.

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840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
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Phone: (215) 625-6630
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