
Fall Is the Best Time for Cosmetic Surgery

What makes fall the best time of the year? Warm sweaters? Crisp, brightly colored leaves crunching underfoot? Cooler temperatures? While it is true that all of these things make fall a special time of year, one thing that you may not realize is that it is often the perfect time to get that cosmetic surgical procedure you’ve been wanting to get done.

Our staff at Jefferson Plastic Surgery believes that planning cosmetic procedures in the cooler months, particularly around fall, is actually the smart way to think about scheduling your surgery. Read further to find out why fall can often be the perfect time of year to get started on the way to a brand new you.

Keep Cozy Indoors While You Recover

Fall can tend to be cold and blustery, particularly if you live in northern climates. However, this can actually be a bonus in terms of recovering after a cosmetic surgical procedure.

If you are considering an extensive surgery, such as a tummy tuck or a breast augmentation, it may take several weeks for you to recover. What better place to recover than the warmth of your own home? It may be chilly and damp outside, but you will be able to rest up after your surgery in your own nest.

Bundle Up!

If you absolutely must go outside while you are still in the initial recovery phase of your surgery, you can bundle up in a hat, scarf, sweater, and coat. Fall and winter clothing is great at hiding any bandages, bruising, and swelling during those crucial first few weeks following your surgical procedure. Add on makeup with a good moisturizer if you have undergone a facial surgical procedure and you should easily get through your recovery period by keeping everything under wraps.

Chill Out!

Summer may be a great time to show off the results from your surgery once you have fully healed, but it’s not necessarily the best time to be undergoing recovery. The heat can increase the amount of post-surgical swelling and make you miserable if you must wear an elastic compression garment as the temperatures soar.

Exposure to direct sunlight can also cause problems, particularly if you are having any facial procedures, such as a chemical peel or laser resurfacing. You can end up with darker areas of skin (known as hyper-pigmentation), slower healing times, and potential scarring. Our surgeons generally recommend keeping any incisions out of direct sunlight for at least two months. Obviously, it is much easier to avoid excess heat and sun exposure during the fall months.

Take a Staycation

One of the great things about fall is that it is the start of the holiday season, so most employers expect their workers to take some time off to be with friends and family. Why not take advantage of that and book yourself a luxury staycation on your couch while you recover from your surgery? It gives you the time you need to recover, as well as any follow-up visits with our office. Plus, if you book your surgery for September or October, you will be ready to make the “new you debut” just in time for the Christmas and New Years parties.

Fall is often seen as a time of transition from the warm days of summer to the colder winter season. Why not use that change of season to change your appearance as well?

Questions? Email us today.

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Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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