
Endoscopic Browlift Technique

The browlift is the technique of choice for many individuals when it comes to restoring a youthful appearance to the forehead and brows. With the endoscopic technique, the surgeon can make a few small incisions just inside the hairline, and then adjust the tissues, muscles, and skin to restore a smoother, younger look to an area of the face that is affected by some of the most noticeable signs of aging. More than any other part of the body, the face shows a person’s age, and there are many factors that will accelerate and exacerbate those signs of aging. This can be distressing for an individual who takes pride in his or her appearance and wants to look as young as he or she feels.

The Procedure

The endoscopic browlift’s incisions are made at the patient’s hairline. Once the series of small incisions have been made, an endoscope - a surgical instrument with a tiny camera on the end - is inserted into those incisions. With the camera and the tools, the surgeon adjusts the skin and muscles, evening out folds, wrinkles, and sagging, so that the brow looks smooth and youthful. The incisions for this procedure are usually so close in proximity to the hairline that they are very difficult to see once the incisions have closed and healed.


Candidates for this surgery should be healthy, non-smokers who fully understand the extent of the procedure and the extent of results they can expect.

The endocopic browlift technique is best suited to men and women who have minor to moderate degrees of wrinkling and sagging in the upper third of the face. Lines on the forehead, caused be relaxation of the skin and expression lines created by frowning and smiling can be smoothed out. The lines that appear between the browns are also addressed by the endoscopic browlift procedure. Finally, drooping brows can be lifted to produce a more youthful appearance. Patients who are considering an endoscopic browlift should understand that this procedure addresses these issues, but should be reasonable about their expectations.


The most important aspect of recovery is to carefully the surgeon’s recommendations and instructions post-operatively. For the first few days after surgery, patients should rest with the head elevated. Pain killers and antibiotics should be taken as directed to manage the pain and ward of infection. Physical activity should be avoided, as should sun exposure and windy conditions, for the first six weeks after surgery.  


The cost of the endoscopic browlift will vary based on surgeon who performs the treatment and how extensive the lift is for the individual patient. An endoscopic browlift technique can greatly improve the appearance of the face. If a patient has sagging brows and forehead lines, a browlift can be extremely effective. To receive a price quote for a browlift, discuss the procedure with a qualified professional.

For more information about endoscopic browlifts and other types of cosmetic surgery, contact Jefferson Plastic Surgery today. Our surgeons can determine if you are a good candidate for an endoscopic browlift.

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Jefferson Plastic Surgery is located on the corner of 9th and Walnut streets in Center City, Philadelphia on the 15th floor of the Wills Eye Hospital Building.

Jefferson Plastic Surgery
840 Walnut Street - 15th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Phone: (215) 625-6630
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